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Small Animal ECG Solutions

Model: IX ECG SA

Small Animal ECG Solutions: IX ECG SA

A powerful and user-friendly tool intended to automate the analysis of ECG data from a variety of species.


  • Measure R-R, PR, QT, QR and QTc intervals, QRS, T, P and TP durations, P, Q, R, S, T amplitudes and ST elevation, etc.
  • Specific analysis templates are included to accurately delineate PQRST onset, durations, and amplitudes.
  • Outlier removal based on abnormal R-R intervals, heart rate, noise, and activity.
  • Easily extract source data and average data like images or text files
  • Plug and play compatible with all iWorx data acquisition


  • Cardiovascular Research
  • Physiology Research and Teaching

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